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The School Of Supernatural

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``To Raise Breakthrough Believers``. We can Celebrate Dominion Together.

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Anointed For Business
Anointed For Business brings together Believers who are innovators, entrepreneurs and influencers for a dynamic exchange of ideas and tactics that will advance the Kingdom of God in the marketplace today, helping you to produce wealth for Kingdom purpose. We create a Kingdom culture that identifies, promotes and nurtures believers into top positions in industries
One Church, Many Tribes, One BIG Family. Join us Today
Children Ministry
We always desire to bring our children into a life transforming encounter with the Father, into a deeper love for Jesus and intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and others as they are encouraged and built up in their Kingdom purpose to attain greater heights in life and with God through training, motivation and counselling that produces result.
Dominion Calender
Events' Spotlight
Prophetic Sunday Service
Our Prophetic Power Services are unique worship celebration service saturated with balance truth of God’s Word with the practical application thereby constantly creating atmosphere for the supernatural.
1st Service: 8.30am-10.00am
2nd Service: 10:30am-12:00pm
Divine Encounter
Move your faith to the next level in God with Divine Encounter – our mid-week program, channeled towards raising breakthrough believers through learning God’s word.

"Every CRISIS is an Opportunity to RISE above the AVERAGE"