
the good news

“HSG test result showed negative. The medical report was that the Fallopian tube was blocked indicating that my wife cannot carry a baby. To God be the glory, here we are with the baby and mother, hale and healthy”

Engr. A.C

“Honestly the sight of my neighbor’s boil, a Muslim lady, was terrifying for about two years. I summoned courage to pray for her and the boil disappeared before day break. Brethren God is into it and the days of the supernatural are here”

Dcn B.T

“I became weak and dizzy. Suddenly I felt a painful pinch like a bite on my body, not so long all my body began to swell up with marks appearing on my body. Then I remembered the message and I began declaring the word of God taught by Papa. After some minutes I slept off and I woke up healthy. Halleluyah!

Pst T.S