Wonderful. God really make available to us sophisticated unfailing weapons to silent the enemy. However, the beauty of our weapon is in wearing and using it. The breastplate of righteousness is a dual weapon. Both for defense and offense . Seek yea first the kingdom of God and it’s righteousness all other things Will follow. At salvation You establish a relationship with God. The relationship is service through your fellowshipping with Him(righteousness). Fellowship is the strength of relationship. Just as in marriage ,a relationship is established but for reasons such as distance, health or otherwise the fellowship may be temporarily suspended but the relationship remain intact. Friend, have you experienced a broken fellowship with God? Perhaps, this seems affecting your finances ,family or career. Broken fellowship brings an overwhelming feeling of condemnation.  Give attention to the reality of your righteousness; your real position with Christ then the enemy will lose his grip over your life, ministry ,family or finances.

2 Corinthians 5:21
“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Jesus was made sin for you that you might become the  righteousness of  God.  Enough of the enemy’s deception. Sin consciousness gets you incapacitated. It weakens you in battles. Sin consciousness gives you a low self esteem. It makes you afraid of man and  God. It  reduces your strength. On the other hand, as you put on the breastplate of righteousness, your confidence increases. Your boldness becomes irresistible .The righteous shall be as bold as lion. Receive the boldness to break into higher realm in your  destiny in Christ. Boldness to take charge of your home. Boldness to explore the opportunities God is bringing your way in Jesus name. Righteousness is an armor for both offensive and defensive. God has covered you with the robe of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:10).Whoa! Your nakedness can not be seen again. With the breastplate of righteousness as your defense. Arrows of shame can never penetrate any aspect of your life any longer. Evil bows at the gate of the righteous.

Friend, what a joy. Righteousness  is not by work. Righteousness is a gift from God. Righteousness is by faith. Abraham believed and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Righteousness is permanent .The righteous  outlast both the enemy and his attacks (psalms37:17). What heaven gives birth to hell can not kill. Your prosperity is birth of heaven. Devil can not stop your prosperity. Your progress is orchestrated by heaven, the devil can not stop you in Jesus name. Your destiny is heaven birth.

You don’t pray for righteousness, you only grow in your understanding of righteousness. Righteousness is a gift. Righteousness is a strong weapon, not for defensive alone but also offensive in its operation. The brilliance of soldiers’ breast plate do blindfold the eyes of the enemy. Friend, you are at the edge of breaking up every limitation. You will break through and break forth in your career, family and finances. You are free from the dominion of sin and it’s effects. No more sickness. Sickness shall not reign in your body again. The righteous shall flourish like palm tree. He shall grow like cedar in Lebanon. Believe me real good you shall flourish on every side in Jesus name.

Today’s Confession; There is no condemnation in me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. I am exalted in righteousness. I break forth on every side. I will flourish and reign in life. Free from every sickness and diseases  in Jesus mighty Name.